Aleksandar’s body handed over for autopsy, informs MoI


The forty-six-year-old man from Prilep, Aleksandar Josheski, who disappeared on Thursday morning, was found dead Thursday evening.

The Ministry of Interior says that they received a report that the person was found dead at 8:15 p.m.

“It was reported to the Prilep police that a deceased A.J. (46) from Prilep was found at a place called Toptash in Prilep. His wife S.J. (47) reported to the police that he had moved away from home on the same day at 10:00 am. A doctor from the Prilep Emergency Medical Service confirmed the death, and a team from the Prilep Police Department conducted an investigation,” the Ministry of Interior informed.

By the public prosecutor’s orders, the body of the deceased was given for an autopsy.

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