DUI starts collecting signatures in support of Osmani’s presidential bid on Friday


DUI has started collecting signatures for their presidential candidate Bujar Osmani, DUI vice president and spokesman Arbr Ademi told a news conference Friday. He also said President Stevo Pendarovski had made a mistake in refusing to sign into law the draft amendments to the Law on Games of Chance.

“DUI, as announced by party leader Ali Ahmeti, started collecting signatures for Bujar Osmani as a candidate for the president of our country. After the first Albanian prime minister, the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense, the state ombudsmen, the ombudsman, the presidents of the Constitutional, Administrative and Supreme Courts, the presidents of the wrestling, football, boxing federations, ombudsmen – the time has come to open the way and the president will be Albanian. The core of the idea of the leader Ali Ahmeti is to elect the president in the Assembly, with a two-thirds majority of votes and Badinter, to ensure a social, supra-party consensus, to enable over 80 votes and to prevent technical overvoting by only the two largest Macedonian political parties. This will be the position of DUI for the second election round and for the parliamentary elections, and we will achieve that. Only by voting for the strongest Albanian party will this be achieved,” Ademi added.

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