Klekovski: The announced coalition of the European front for a joint SDS/DUI candidate failed, huge support for Siljanovska-Davkova


There have always been many presidential ambitions, the only question is who will manage to get the support of the citizens or 10 thousand signatures or the required number of MPs. So I think that all political parties will try to demonstrate their power. I do not believe that this will be a problem for a certain number of candidates. From my experience of collecting signatures, it is not such a simple task because the signatures are collected in authorized places in the regional units, and the citizens have to appear in person. I think that there will be 5-6 candidates who will get the required number of signatures. For VMRO-DPMNE, this number of candidates is favorable above all because the long-announced European coalition for European Macedonia failed, where the expectations were that two, three or four parties would stand behind one candidate, and basically all those who should support the candidate in the first round of the ruling party decided to go to the polls independently. The idea of forming a front against the VMRO-DPMNE candidate, I think, does not work at this stage and that is important for us. When everyone is setting conditions, let me mention that DUI having a presidential candidate was one of the conditions so that after the elections VMRO-DPMNE might talk with DUI about a coalition, when everyone is already setting conditions, then I should also mention one,” said Sasho Klekovski, VMRO-DPMNE Executive Board member during an interview with 24 Analysis on TV 24.

Klekovski pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE made a good choice and has the best solution at the moment for a presidential candidate and gave support to Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova.

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