Macedonia2025 proposes a plan for accelerated economic growth and offers support for its implementation


The organization Macedonia2025 today presented the reform plan VISION FOR ACCELERATED GROWTH, which resulted from the “Platform for Prosperity” promoted in 2020. The plan contains specific measures in three key areas: comprehensive digitization of the country, strengthening the competitiveness of the economy and utilizing the potential of the diaspora.

Improving the quality of life through acceleration of economic growth is the main goal of the reform plan VISION FOR ACCELERATED GROWTH, which is proposed by the organization Macedonia2025. The plan is based on the “Platform for Prosperity” that Macedonia2025 presented in 2020, whose fundamentals include: Zero tolerance for corruption, through transparency, a system based on merit and personal responsibility; continued GDP growth above 5% per year, through increased investment in education, business and regulatory reforms, support for exports and reduction of the gray economy; as well as quality and efficient public administration and accession to the EU.

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