Polygraph testing for customs officials as measure to combat corruption


Polygraph testing for customs officials as measure to combat corruption, said National Coordinator for Integrated Border Management, Vladimir Pivovarov on Wednesday.

During Wednesday’s press conference, Pivovarov referred to the upcoming activities of the newly established National Council on Integrated Border Management. He emphasized that the involvement of corrupt customs officers or policemen, who accept bribes to allow illegal activities such as smuggling weapons, drugs, or facilitating the passage of vehicles with terrorists, poses a direct threat to the national security of the country and its neighboring countries.

He said that conducted analyses within the institution indicated the need for polygraph testing of officials in border control agencies, aimed at ensuring the integrity of individuals.

“The involvement of corrupt customs officers or policemen, who accept bribes to allow illegal activities such as smuggling weapons, drugs, or facilitating the passage of vehicles with terrorists, poses a direct threat to the national security of the country and its neighboring countries,” said Pivovarov.

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