VMRO-DPMNE supports Ursula von der Leyen to head EPP lists in upcoming elections


VMRO-DPMNE once again shows its pro-European orientation and presence at the most important events in the EU. This congress is considered the largest European gathering that is happening because it is a gathering of the largest party in the European Parliament, that is the European People’s Party, of which VMRO-DPMNE is a member, says VMRO-DPMNE International Secretary Stefan Andonovski.

Andonovski stresses that at the EPP Congress, the leader of the EPP list is chosen for the next EP elections that will take place this spring.

“This congress is very important because the leader of the EPP list is chosen for the next EP elections that will take place this spring. It will be exactly Ursula Von Der Leyen and it is expected that we will also give support for the overall developments in the EU, for a better EU, for an EU that is oriented towards the Western Balkans, an EU that will really take care of reforms, for economic reforms for progress, but at the same time it will include the countries of the entire Western Balkans, including Macedonia,” said Andonovski.

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