MEPSO hit by cyberattack, infrastructure is safe, claims company


The Electricity Transmission System Operator of the Republic of North Macedonia (MEPSO) said it is dealing with a cyberattack, but stressed in a press release Thursday that the integrity of the power grid and the supply of electricity have not been threatened.

“In conditions when the whole world is facing a negative global trend of cyberattacks and our company was not immune to it. Although JSC MEPSO has taken all measures to protect against cyberattacks of the highest degree, we have been faced with incidents of that kind these days. Considering that the main activity of AD MEPSO is the transmission of electricity and management of the electricity system, we inform the public that the critical electricity infrastructure is safe, fully functional and not subject to this cyberattack. This means that the complete integrity of the power grid and the supply of electricity are not at risk,” stated MEPSO.

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