Pendarovski’s Office responds to calls for misuse of an official vehicle


President Stevo Pendarovski is the current president of the country and he is subject to special regulations for the protection of the person, i.e. constant physical security, including the use of special official vehicles that provide physical protection, the President’s Office responded with a statement to the dilemma of whether it is a misuse of state resources the fact that Pendarovski visited the SDSM headquarters in Shtip yesterday with an official vehicle.
“The special rules are regulated in the Decree on the persons and facilities that are secured, the types of measures and activities and the degrees of security, adopted by the Government, in accordance with the Police Law, back in 2014. These rules apply for the entire duration of the term. We emphasize that in accordance with Article 8-b, paragraph 1 of the Electoral Code, these rules for the President also apply during the election campaign. We remind you that the President of the country is not a member of any party and is ready to have a meeting with any political party if there is such a request or invitation, as he has been practicing since taking office in 2019,” reads the response from the President’s Office.

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