New division within SDSM: Progressive citizens and “the others”


Progressive citizens know that with SDSM there is freedom, there is democracy and a secure future, and it is precisely those citizens who are our best-intentioned critics, because they are democrats and because they have built a civic consciousness, so that things will be better.

But in essence, it is WE, the same ones, who want a free, democratic, open, modern, developed state. We share the same values, those values ​​have always united us, both when it was most difficult and when it was most important. Let’s not underestimate the moment, now is the most important. It is important to show on May 8 that we are united and that we will continue to work together and better, said Sanja Lukarevska, holder of the SDSM MP list in ED3.

According to Lukarevska, SDSM is a responsible party.

“We do not manipulate, we do not sell hopeless illusions that destroy the state from within, and weaken its position outside. We will not allow that and that is why we are asking for your support on May 8,” Lukarevska said.


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