Kaevski abused his position as AMS director with the distribution of vouchers, a million-dollar crime was committed, says VMRO-DPMNE


Millionaire DarkoKaevski abused his position as the director of the Youth and Sport Agency (AMS), AMS, with the distribution of vouchers, a million-dollar crime was committed, said VMRO-DPMNE on Wednesday.

“Kaevski as director of the AMS, his successor NaumcheMojsovski and Daniel Dimevski from the IOC are being prosecuted due to suspicions that as directors of the Agency, but also members of the Central Commission in 2020, 2021 and 2022, through the use of official position and negligent work, bypassing the legal procedures, they distributed money, which damaged the State Budget, but also the people who had a legal right to that money, but were not allocated to them.  Now it is more than clear why Kaevski was the most ardent spokesperson for SDS, it is more than obvious that his interest was great.

After this scandal, it becomes clear why the sport in Macedonia in the last seven years is at the lowest historical level. Instead of developing the sport, the money intended for it is diverted into criminal schemes,” added the main opposition party.

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