The political volcano will start in Strumica as a resistance to the feudal enclaves of the self-styled Europeans, says Siljanovska-Davkova


I feel especially good in Strumica because I know that the political volcano that will put an end to the last feudal enclave in Macedonia will start here. I called that enclave the Zaev fiefdom that will fall apart! Imagine, “sworn” self-proclaimed Europeans think that with refeudalization they will reach the EU. Unbelievable! I was especially pleased when I saw that we also won in Murtino, says the VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Professor Dr. GordanaSiljanovska-Davkova during her visit to Strumica.

“Today, in a strange debate, a quasi-debate of a drowning man grasping at straws, I was asked how I could not use the name “north”, that I was breaking the Constitution. I explained to him that the right to self-determination is a collective right and that Macedonia has already used the same at ASNOM. But also that each of us has the right to individual self-determination and that no one, neither me nor you, can ever ban us from using the name Macedonia. Imagine, in one show, in one election cycle, you don’t know who is who, you don’t know who you are talking to, because Mr. Pendarovski denies what he said several times. In one statement, I am an excellent professor, an internationally recognized expert, that I had a high moral vertical. Then he says no, I meant a high moral vertical in relation to the Constitutional Court. Mind you, these people have ten moral verticals. Once for the Constitutional Court, once for the Parliament, once for the President, etc. An incredible conglomerate. How then do you expect an attitude from such people? How do you expect them to survive?,” said Siljanovska-Davkova.

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