Mexhiti: DUI’s sole purpose is to cause a political crisis to save the corrupt in their ranks


In fear of the defeat that undoubtedly awaits them, DUI has already lost their way. So their only aim now is to cause a political crisis to save the corrupt in their ranks, trying to continue with the caretaker government for more than 100 days. Ali Ahmeti’s goals were clear and VLEN warned the public from the moment when, with Bujar Osman’s candidacy, DUI deliberately eliminated the possibility of Arben Taravari entering the second round of the presidential elections, said Izet Mexhiti on Saturday.

The former senior DUI party official and mayor of the Skopje municipality Chair publicly asked his former party boss Ali Ahmeti: “Is it true that you ordered the municipal organizations to organize a boycott of the second round of the presidential elections, even though you met with Stevo Pendarovski and told him you promised support?”



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