VMRO-DPMNE wins 58 MP seats, DUI – 19, SDSM – 18, Worth It – 13, Levica – 6, ZNAM – 6


According to the preliminary results from Wednesday’s parliamentary elections announced by the State Election Commission on its website Thursday morning, with over 99.27% of the votes processed, VMRO-DPMNE’s coalition “Your Macedonia” has won 431,251 votes (43.23%) or 58 seats in the new 120-member Parliament.

The coalition for a European Future led by SDSM 153,250 (15.36%) – 18 MPs, the European Front of DUI 137,486 (13.78%) – 19 MPs, the Coalition from the Albanian opposition bloc Worth It 106,991 (10.72%) – 13 MP seats, Levica has 67,338 votes (6.75%) – 6 MPs, and the ZNAM Movement – For our Macedonia 55,539 (5.57%) – 6 MPs. The other parties and coalitions that participated in the elections have less than one percent of votes.

These are the 11th parliamentary elections since the country’s independence.

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