MoI files criminal charges for the Belasica Bridge fire


Macedonian Minister of Interior Panche Toshkovski announced on Friday that criminal charges have been filed for the fire on the Belasica Bridge that broke out on May 11, 2023.
Serious crimes against general security were committed according to Art. 292 of the Criminal Code, and in connection with the crime of causing general danger under Art. 288 of the CC, for which the Violent Crime Unit at the Skopje Interior Department has taken extensive operational measures to detect the perpetrator.
“After preparing analyzes in the Department of Forensic Investigations of the traces collected from the scene (cigarette butts and a lighter) by police officers, a conversation was conducted with several persons, during which the perpetrator of the above-mentioned crime was determined, the person I.H. 37) from Skopje and criminal charges were filed against him on May 10, 2024 to the Skopje Public Prosecutor’s Office,” informed Minister Toshkovski.

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