Three blocks at TPP Bitola shut down due to explosions and breakdown of Block 2


The VMRO-DPMNE Energy Committee said in a statement on Friday that TPP Bitola is completely offline for the second time in two months. According to the committee, the three blocks were shut down after a severe accident at BLOCK 2, which was followed by a series of explosions and serious damage.

“After SDSM’s political collapse, it is trying to take the largest energy plant in Macedonia, TPP Bitola, down with it.

“The functioning of TPPBitola is chaotic, what we feared and warned about these seven years culminated today. Namely, in the afternoon, the electrostatic filter of BLOCK 2 failed, because no cleaning was carried out for seven years, that is, the money for cleaning was transferred to companies close to the government, and there was no intervention at all. After the breakdown of the electrostatic filter, the system automatically went to the emergency shutdown of BLOCK 2 in order to protect the boiler and turbine parts from a major breakdown.

After a big argument among the directors and chaos, under threats, the staff started to forcibly turn on the Block, after which there was cooling in the BOILER SECTION and a big explosion followed by a steam curtain and fire! After this serious accident, the director Pece and the team backed down and left the staff alone to deal with the difficult situation in the plant.

How many millions of euros will this accident cost? How many millions of euros will the imported electricity cost,” said VMRO-DPMNE.



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