Shtip cardiac surgeon Sashko Nikolov saved a life in Subotica during a basketball match


Cardiologist Sashko Nikolov, who was also the mayor of Shtip in the past, saved a person’s life during an international basketball tournament for veterans in Subotica.

Local TV Star from Shtip reported that after the match ended, one of the tournament participants collapsed from a massive heart attack. The person practically did not show any signs of life until Dr. Nikolov, who himself is a participant in this tournament as a basketball player, showed up.

The quick and professional reaction was crucial to save the basketball veteran’s life.

With this, Nikolov made another professional feat and won the hearts and sympathies of all those present, as well as the general public who learned about the case very quickly. At an appropriate ceremony, he received a commendation, a medal and applause from the residents of Subotica.


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