VMRO-DPMNE: SDS, as before, replaced one Zaev with another


Venko Filipche became the leader of SDS with 9,000 votes, the number needed for councilor in a municipality, said the ruling VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Monday.
“One Zaev was replaced by another Filipce. A sad ending to the saga of a new leader with old habits. Filipche is not a new leader, but the guardian of Zoran Zaev’s seat. The man is responsible for the pogrom with the COVID-19 pandemic, where tens of thousands of people lost their lives, directly responsible for the murky tenders where the selection reference is an email contact from Zhuti who won millions from sterilization, or his Vodno hacienda next to the director of Clinical or the modular hospital for which Filipche did not convince us that the extension cord was to blame. Filipche is Zaev’s best mask. Same people, same values,” pointed out VMRO-DPMNE.
“If Filipche thinks that he will somehow manage to save himself from being held accountable, and then when he answers for the crimes, he will call it political revanchism, that’s the most wrong way to flee accountability. There will be accountability,” added the ruling party.

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