SDSM and Filipche are completely lost concerning the COVID-19 vaccines, says VMRO-DPMNE


 Without any shame, SDSM continues to brag about the vaccine against COVID–19 when it is still unknown when the citizens will be able to get vaccines and what the number will be. In all countries in the region, a second round of doses of vaccines against coron has already arrived, in Macedonia, Zaev and Filipche failed to obtain the first, and not to start vaccination, said VMRO-DPMNE.

“SDSM lies that 800 thousand doses of vaccines have been provided for 2021, so Filipce said the other day that one million and two hundred thousand vaccines have been provided or for one million and two hundred thousand citizens. Or their Filipche said that there will be vaccines that will be procured by three mechanisms and that he expects 833 thousand doses from COVAX, then 800 thousand directly from Pfizer, and 800 thousand from the office of the European delegation. But he does know the term. And as long as he does not know the date for the start of vaccination, everything is in vain or a lie. While Filipche and Zaev are just getting more and more entangled in their own lies, saying there will be a vaccine in February, more than two thousand and six hundred citizens have died due to the coronavirus,” says VMRO-DPMNE and add that the citizens do not deserve such healthcare and that someone should take responsibility for this.

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