Osmani claims there is no annex to the Treaty and that the government has a good approach


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani claims that there is no annex to the 12-point Friendship and Good Neighborliness Treaty with Bulgaria and assesses that we are still in the phase of exchanging ideas, some of which may have grown into a basis for overcoming differences, but not in that one phase to be able to conclude final progress.

“The 12-point annex that is mentioned does not exist. Since the beginning of September, when I have been in this position and after we have intensified the communication with Bulgaria, we have shared numerous documents, memoranda, non-papers, proposals and ideas, some have been submitted by Bulgaria, some have been sent by us and based on those documents groups from both ministries and talked for months based on those proposals. I really do not know which document is being talked about because there were numerous such documents but there is no document called an annex which has 12 points,” Osmani told Telma TV.

He added that they were still in the phase of exchanging ideas, some of which may have become the basis for overcoming the differences, but not in that phase when final progress can be concluded.

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