The government will again pay the budget for the wasteful work of the mayors


After the SDSM-led government allocated 50 million euros from the state budget a few years ago to pay the debts of the municipalities, which are mainly managed by persons from the ruling parties, now it will pay the bill for their wasteful work again. The new law, which is about to be voted, envisages writing off the debts of the municipal public enterprises.

According to the Draft-Law, the public enterprises established by the municipalities, such as the utility companies, water supply systems, for streets, parking lots, etc., will have the interest rates and the debts they owe to the state written off, and its companies will be reprogrammed. With the new law, the Government will punish the legal entities that will not write off the debts of the municipal companies.

In addition, the law does not stipulate the amount of cash to write off debts.

“By virtue of this Law, the creditors are obliged to make a complete write-off of interest and reprogramming of the main debt and expenses within three months from the day this Law enters into force. A fine of 2,500 euros will be imposed on the legal entity that will not write off the interest and reprogram the debts in the prescribed period “, it is stated in the Law on writing off the interest and reprogramming the debts of Public Enterprises.

German Filkov of the Center for Civil Communications, a non-governmental organization that has been monitoring the public procurement process for more than 10 years, told Alsat TV that the Law disputes the fact that it does not state how much money from the budget will flow to cover these interest rates.

“If the debt is reprogrammed, it would be logical to me that there would program on how that debt will be repaid or we will just reschedule them for a certain period when the problem comes again as acute and in the end I think that all this nurtures irresponsibility and impunity of public officials because there must be a way for these debts, there must be someone responsible and they must be properly sanctioned,” said Filkov.

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