The 4.1% growth projected by the government for 2021 will not happen and is unrealistically projected


The member of the executive committee of VMRO – DPMNE Dimitrievska-Kochoska pointed out that the revenues are unrealistically projected for 2021 and they are based on the government’s forecast for economic growth of 4.1%.

“Regarding what is happening for 2021 again due to the fact that we have lower revenues by 5.2% in the last quarter of 2020 compared to the same period 2019, it is clear that in 2021 revenues are unrealistically projected and it will not happen,” said Dimitrievska-Kochoska.

Dimitrievska-Kochoska backed her position on the non-realization of the economic growth of 4.1% projected by the government with several facts, namely the delay in vaccination of the population and the creation of normal business conditions, a large number of newly unemployed, reduced consumption, bad climate for foreign investments and restraint of other companies from investing, which would mean that Macedonia is waiting for another difficult year in economic terms.

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