Drop in number of industry workers recorded in 2020


The number of workers in industry in December 2020, compared to December 2019, decreased by 4.2 percent, according to the State Statistical Office.

The data show that the number of workers in the industry in the period January – December 2020, compared to the period January – December 2019, decreased by 4.6 percent.

The number of workers in the mining and quarrying sector in December 2020, compared to December 2019, decreased by 3.8 percent, in the manufacturing sector by 4.3 percent, and decline in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector by 3.3 percent.

According to the main industry groups, the number of workers in industry in December 2020, compared to December 2019, decreased in energy by 4.2 percent, intermediate goods, except energy by six percent, capital goods by 0.7 percent, durable consumer goods by 4.5 percent and non-durable consumer goods by five percent.


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