Verdicts for “Target-Fortress” delivered, former secret police chief sentenced to 12 years in prison


Former UBK director SashoMijalkov was sentenced to 12 years in prison for crimes “criminal association”, “abuse of office” and “receiving a reward for unlawful influence”. The Skopje-based Criminal Court Judge DzenetaBegtovicdelivered Friday the verdict in the “Target-Fortress” case related to the mass surveillance and destruction of the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK) equipment used for the interception of communications, including a total of 55 years imprisonment and 10 years of suspended sentences for the 11 defendants.

Former chief of MoI’s Fifth Administration GoranGrujovski and UBK employee Nikola Boshkoski, who have escaped to Greece, were each given 15 years in prison. Former Interior MinisterGordanaJankuloska was sentenced to 4 years for crime “abuse of office”, former Mijalkov office chief Toni Jakimovski was sentenced to 6 years in prison for “abuse of office” and “falsification of official document”, whereas UBK sector chief NadicaNikolikj got 3 years for crime “criminal association” and “abuse of office”.Defendants Vladimir Varelov, MarijanShumulikovski, SilvanaZlatkova and VasilIsakovski, all former UBK employees, were each given 2-year suspended sentences for crimes “criminal association” and “abuse of office”, while ValentinaSimonovski also received a 2-year suspended sentence for crime “falsification of official document”.

Parties in the ‘Target-Fortress’ case have the right to appeal the first-instance verdict to the Appellate Court.

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