Micevski on the SDSM MP’s protective suit: Such protocol doesn’t exist, laws apply to all citizens


Coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE’s group in Parliament Nikola Micevski said Sunday that they will only attend Parliament’s 36th session and vote for the fifth set of anti-crisis laws, but will not attend the other sessions.

“These laws could have been adopted on Thursday, but due to the stubbornness of the government, it did not happen,” said Micevski.

After SDSM MP Bisera Kostadinovska Stojchevska informed on social media that although she is positive for the virus, she will come to the Parliament to vote for the laws, Micevski said that such a protocol does not exist and that it means that the MPs will break the law and endanger public health. He accused the ruling majority of fighting for media attention.

“There is no such protocol, at least we have not seen it so far, however, in the country there is legislation that applies to all citizens, including MPs. I expect that they will not dare to endanger the health and safety of the citizens. The ruling majority is fighting for media attention at the expense of citizens who have not received assistance. How can we convince the citizens to respect the measures, when the MPs from SDMS and DUI violate the measures and the laws in order to satisfy their PR appetites,” said Micevski.

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