Ivanovska: Political influence is a big risk for the serious situation of corruption


Regarding corruption, the situation is serious and requires additional measures for strengthening the material, technical and human capacities of relevant institutions, their independence and proactivity, said State Commission for Prevention of Corruption head Biljana Ivanovska. Corruption risks underlined in these reports, she added, have also been listed in the revised National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interest. Appropriate measures and activities for overcoming them have been proposed in the 2021-2025 Action Plan.

“The conditions for illegal employment, issuance of various permits, building decisions, etc., concessions, existence of conflicts of interest and court decisions are mostly reported. The most burning problem is in the part of employment, most of the reports more than 30 percent refer to the employment process, abuse of the discretion of the manager. For the managers, the decisive factor in the selection of the candidates and the interview is not always the success and the points won, especially since neither the law nor other bylaws regulate the manner of conducting an interview through structured questions and its evolution “, explained the head of SCPC.


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