37 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours


According to data of the Public Health Institute from the past 24 hours, North Macedonia on Saturday recorded 37 new COVID-19 infections after 4,264 tests were conducted. There were no deaths in the same time period.

New cases were confirmed in Tetovo (13), Skopje (12), Veles (3), Gostivar, Prilep and Strumica 2 each and one in Ohrid, SvetiNikole and Delchevo each, said the Health Ministry.

Also, ten patients were registered in the past 24 hours as having recovered from the virus.

Since the onset of the epidemic, N. Macedonia has registered 156,054 confirmed coronavirus cases and 150,273 people have recovered.  The death toll stands at 5,489. At the moment, there are 292 active cases nationwide.

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