COVID wardsalmost at capacity, the situation in Debar is critical


The number of COVID-19 patients is not decreasing, and even a smaller number of tests performed compared to others days, 674 new cases were registered on Sunday – Covid wards are starting to fill up with patients quickly.

Shtip’s modular hospital is filling with patients infected with the delta variant of the coronavirus. Currently, there are only two empty beds available.

The head of Shtip’s infectious diseases unit and COVID center, DijanaGajdardzhiska-Shishkova, told MIA that 45 patients are currently hospitalized at the modular hospital, adding that the dermatology unit was recently opened for hospitalization of COVID-19 patients in stable condition. Currently, 10 patients are being treated there.

Over the course of August, Debar and CentarZhupa registered a total of 301 new COVID-19 patients. Unfortunately, one patient passed away as a result of the virus, which makes them the 11th casualty in August. Seven patients recovered today, for a total of 116 recoveries registered this month,” said Debar’s General Hospital.

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