VMRO-DPMNE: Sincere condolences to the victims’ families, Zaev and Filipche should not hide from the public


VMRO-DPMNE expresses deep regret over the huge tragedy and loss of lives of our fellow citizens during the fire in the modular hospital in Tetovo, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.

“We express our deepest condolences to the families of those who died in the terrible tragedy and sincere wishes for the speedy recovery of all those injured in last night’s terrible catastrophe. At the same time, we want to emphasize that it is important for the institutions to fully investigate the cause and to determine responsibility,” the party said.

“Fully understanding the revolt of the citizens and the people of Tetovo, we urge Minister Venko Filipche and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in these difficult moments not to hide from the public and to come up with accurate data and assessments of the situation. 12 hours after the accident, the initial indications are not known, nor the number of victims. The absence of a system is astonishing,” the party added.

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