National Bank: Annual growth of 9.3% of total deposits and of 6.1% of total credit support


Total loans recorded a monthly growth of 0.3% in March due to increased lending to the household sector. The annual growth is 6.1% and is due to the higher credits of both sectors, with a greater contribution from the households sector, the National Bank informed on Friday.
Household loans increased by 0.5% on a monthly basis, with an annual growth of 6.8%. The monthly and annual growth, the NB points out, is the result of increased lending in denars and in foreign currency, with a greater contribution of loans in foreign currency.
There was no change in loans to the corporate sector in March compared to the previous month. On an annual basis, a growth of 5.4% was recorded, which is entirely the result of increased crediting in denars, in conditions of a decline in loans in foreign currency.

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