Resen apples will remain unpurchased due to large import of foreign apples in the country


Additional Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Cvetan Tripunovski visited Resen on Friday, where he held working meetings with fruit farmers from this region.
“Fruit farmers in Resen suffer great losses due to the wrong policies of SDS and the large import of foreign apples into the Republic of Macedonia. According to the data, while the apple from Resen remains unpurchased, from September 1, 2023 until now, about 4 million kilograms of apples have entered Macedonia, which is the main reason that the people of Resen are experiencing the darkest days in the history of fruit farming in Macedonia,” said Tripunovski.
Tripunovski pointed out the unpaid subsidies and the unpaid damages from the natural disasters from a year ago as the bigger problems of the farmers from the Resen region, the purchase and distribution center that was supposed to be completed in 2023 has not even started construction yet.

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