Mizrahi: Criminal liability is needed that will answer for the omissions in the operation of the hospital in Tetovo


The resignation of Health Miister Venko Filipche is not a moral responsibility, it is forced and faked. If he felt guilty, he would have resigned on the first day after the accident, member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE Rashela Mizrahi said at a press conference.

She points out that this time the offered resignation was forced under the pressure of the objective public, which rightly demands answers from those in charge of the horror and the terrible tragedy in which 15 lives ended.

“But the moral responsibility for such a resignation, for which it is not yet known whether it will be accepted, does not give the answers required by the public, and even more does not send a message to all current and future officials that they must not play with the lives of our citizens. Criminal liability is required, which will be achieved through an objective and neutral investigation that must be carried out. The real questions that the investigation and criminal responsibility have to answer are related to the omissions that led to the hospital, a facility under the authority of the Ministry of Health and the Government to lose 15 lives,” Mizrahi said.

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