VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev and Filipche’s resignations are needed for an impartial investigation into the Tetovo tragedy


Prime Minister ZoranZaev does not think that his Health MinisterVenkoFilipche has moral responsibility for the fire that took 14 lives in the TetovoCovid center, then he implies that there is no criminal responsibility, says VMRO-DPMNE.

The party points out that Filipche has the least moral responsibility for the tragic accident that happened in Tetovo and in which 14 of our fellow citizens lost their lives, and that is why his resignation is necessary.

“Resignations should not stop with Filipche. In order to be able to conduct an impartial and independent investigation into the case, the resignations of both ArtanGrubi and ZoranZaev are needed. Only with the resignations of Filipche, Grubi and Zaev will we have an impartial investigation, which will determine guilt. Zaev admitted that he was directly involved in the investigation into the horror in Tetovo, so they must resign and release the investigation. The road is clear. The resignations of Filipche, Grubi and Zaev, then an impartial investigation, and finally criminal responsibility. No 14 people can be burned alive and no one in power is guilty of anything,” the party said in a press release.

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