VMRO-DPMNE is receiving a lot of correspondence and materials with indications of crime


Tough elections are ahead, but justice will prevail because you see how many people gathered for the opposition’s protest in just one day, and they have expectations that VMRO-DPMNE must meet otherwise we would be similar to this government, the party’s Vice President said in an interview with Republika, Vlado Misajlovski.

Regarding the announcement of the Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski that a black campaign period is coming, Misajlovski said it is illogical for an interim prime minister tasked with conducting fair and democratic elections to say it and considers that they, as an opposition, have a legitimate right to evaluate the campaign. According to him, it is obvious that SDSM is starting to make some alibi because they know that they will lose the elections.

In the interview, he also talks about the latest cases of “bombs” released by MP Antonio Milososki. He says that the party was receiving a lot of correspondence and materials with indications of crime and VMRO-DPMNE will disclose everything they have that is of public interest in order for people to learn the truth.

“While we are making a program, while we are approaching the citizens with positive measures, the authorities announce that there will be spreading fake news, a black campaign… and they have constitutionally dismissed the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, while on the other hand, they invalidate any decision adopted by Interior Minister Nake Culev. The man who should conduct the elections in the MoI has his hands tied by the Government as well as the justice and judiciary that the government has captured all over Macedonia,” said Misajlovski.

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