Councilor candidate of the civil initiative “For our Kumanovo” physically attacked by a SDSM councilor candidate


The candidate for councilor in the future Council of the Municipality of Kumanovo, Nikolaj Pavlovski, informed that the candidate for councilor from the civil initiative “For Our Kumanovo” Redzep Redzepovski, this weekend was physically attacked by the candidate for councilor from the ranks of SDSM, Samet Salievski.

“Only a week before the second round of local elections, violence and physical clashes began in Kumanovo just to get a vote plus more,”Pavlovski said.

As he said, the attack carried out by the mentioned member of SDSM together with his father, was reported to the Kumanovo police and he appealed to Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, who is also from Kumanovo, “to immediately stop engaging in campaigning and came out in defense of the citizens “, as well as to “stop the pressures and threats”on the civil activists.

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