Zaev: Renaming the two schools in Chair is illegal


It is an unlawful procedure, which the Central Register should correct immediately,
as there is no decision of the Chair of the Municipality of Cair. This is the SDSM
leader's view on renaming two schools in the municipality of Chair.
Education Minister Arbor Ademi wrote on Facebook that the names of two schools in
Cair have been changed – "Nikola Vapcarov", now called “Ismail Qemali” and "Rajko
Zinzifov" which is now "Imri Elezi". He wrote in a post that he had signed the
necessary acts that finally ended the issue of school appointments in Cair.
– The protocol of some school board outside the legal regulations have made the
decision and the materials have been delivered. I urge the institutions to follow the
law. The lawmaker foresaw how the name of the school would be changed and that
was decided by the citizens through their representatives – Zaev said today at a
press conference at the party headquarters, answering a journalist's question about
the renaming of the schools.

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