Dimitrievski: People like Filipche, Carovska have nothing to do with SDSM, because of them the party ran away from its ideology


My party has gone into another direction, it ran away from its ideology. SDSM has always been a state-building party that made the key decisions for this country, in the most difficult moments and found a way to overcome all crises. Many people from the leadership who are in my SDSM today actually never belonged to the party, at the moment they were even much closer to certain other political structures, and managed to impose themselves in that poorly implemented staff policy. I will be specific, the Fund in the Ministry of Health is run by people who are not close to SDSM. Take Filipche who has never been anything within SDSM, or Mila Carovska, who came from the non-governmental sector, Mayor of Kumanovo Maksim Dimitrievski told TV 24.

Dimitrievski added that those people who are now creating the staff policy in SDSM should be a thing of the past.

“In these elections, the SDSM candidates for mayors did not suffer defeat, but experienced the policies that are implemented at the central level”, concluded Dimitrievski.


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