Minister Bekteshi: We’ll notify the public as soon as there’s a possibility for a price shock


The Ministry of Economy is carrying out analyses daily and according to this data, there’s currently no danger of a price shock. However, we’ll take the appropriate measures if the need arises, like we did last year, Economy Minister KreshnikBekteshi said on Wednesday.

“We’ll notify the public as soon as there’s a possibility for a price shock. It’s true that the prices of certain products are rising. However, we’re perhaps the only government in the region that took measures to freeze the prices of basic products amid the pandemic, as well as introduce domestic production and import margins,” the Minister told the press. Bekteshi also discussed mechanisms for freezing prices.

“We can influence domestic production prices directly through subsidies, but we’ll also intervene by freezing the prices of imported products, like we did last year. So, we can reduce margins, based on the import invoices. In regard to wholesale and retail prices, we can reduce margins for all supermarkets. We’ve done this before – Macedonia was the only country that implemented these measures amid the pandemic to manage price rises,” Bekteshi added.

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