Microbiologist Panovskiurgesfor COVID-19 restrictive measures, regardless of the Omicron variant


The epidemiological COVID-19 situation in Macedonia is stable, for now no new measures and restrictions will be introduced, and the situation with the spread of the new strain omicron will be closely monitored, announced the healthcare authorities.

“Regardless of the new Omicron strain, there should be restrictive measures,” microbiologist and university professor Dr. Nikola Panovski told Deutsche Welle.

“Omicron will spread, but it needs time. It will need to be paid attention to before the New Year. But let’s not wait for the situation to repeat itself as with the Delta strain. At that time, they thought that there was no need to control the borders for citizens coming from countries with high transmission of the Delta strain, and when they introduced measures – they referred to leaving the country,” added Dr. Panovski.

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