VMRO-DPMNE demands extension of energy crisis


Considering that the Government Decision on the energy crisis situation adopted on 09.11.2021 with a duration of 30 days is in force, it should end on 08.12. 2021, said the MP and Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE Vlado Misajlovski at a press conference on Wednesday.

“It is more than clear that the energy crisis will last longer than 30 days and that it will have to be extended according to the law. As a Parliamentary Group of VMRO-DPMNE, we believe that the citizens must not be victims of the uncertainty of who has a majority in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia and therefore ask for a session of the Parliament to be scheduled to extend the energy crisis, and we as a parliamentary group with our presence we will help provide a quorum for it. For that purpose, because we believe that the Government is unsuccessfully dealing with this crisis, we want to set two conditions for the session itself. First, we demand that 250 million euros be provided to subsidize the electricity of citizens and companies to prevent additional price shock and inflation. Secondly, we demand to provide money for all municipalities that from the beginning to the end of the energy crisis faced with termination of contracts by suppliers, i.e. to cover the difference between the initially concluded contract and the current price of electricity. These funds should be provided by the Government and thus to help companies and citizens. We believe that the situation is extremely serious and we must not allow this energy crisis to further endanger the standard of citizens who are already bad given that we have been facing a health crisis for two years that further worsens the lives of citizens”, said Misajlovski.

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