VMRO-DPMNE will support the minimum wage, but will also demand respect for collective agreements and coefficients of complexity of jobs


What are the politicians in power (as Pendarovski would say) and their lackeys paid for? On the day when 150 years have passed since the birth of the great Macedonian son Gjorgji Delchev, neither Pendarovski nor Kovachevski dared to say, let alone write that Gjorgji Delchev was a Macedonian, the historian Gjorgjiev (co-chair of the Committee on Historical and Educational Affairs) claims that Bulgaria was not a fascist occupier in World War II, and SDSM refuses to support the Declaration that VMRO-DPMNE proposed in parliament for the great Macedonian Gjorgji Delchev on the pretext that it was a fact. For the same fact, both Kovachevski and Pendarovski are afraid to even whisper, let alone say that Delchev is Macedonian, wrote VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Facebook.

VMRO-DPMNE will support the increase of the minimum wage in the parliament, unanimously, but at the same time it will intervene in the law and we will demand consistent respect of the collective agreements and the coefficients of complexity of the jobs, when the salaries of all employees in the administration are paid. So that everyone can gain from it, and to have less for the corrupt Government to steal. We expect an immediate rebalance of the budget and increase of grants for the municipalities by the Government for full respect of the rights of all employees in education, kindergartens and administration.

“At the same time, we expect SDSM to finally separate from the policies of Zoran Zaev and to support the declaration of Goce Delchev, to show at least once that they really care about the Macedonian national interests, and not the crime of the clan that leads the party and government!” said  Mickoski.


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