The practice of appointing directors on a party basis should stop


VMRO-DPMNE’s Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski believes that the situation with coronavirus in Macedonia is serious and should be addressed soberly.

Nikoloski added that he does not want to criticize anything at the moment, but would only say that he expects more work and dedication and fewer press conferences.

“As I expect that what happened to Macedonia with the irresponsible behavior of the Director of the Clinic, be a signal to all political parties, that in the future in sensitive positions, and especially in health care, the practice of appointing party directors should stop basis. Because these are people on whom our health depends,” Nikoloski said.

Nikoloski explained that the best specialists should be appointed at the clinics. It is a sin of all political structures so far in these past 30 years in the Republic of Macedonia. This sin is also on this political structure that is now in power. And that sin could cost human lives now.

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