Convicted of corruption accuses of having support under ex-Prime Minister Zaev


I’m proud that I was the president of an International Association that did not receive a single penny of state money but financed it by networking with the business sector and we had realized many projects. I am proud that I can be proud of the project which is of great importance but which, unfortunately, did not pass and that is the construction of a home for the elderly, said Bojan Jovanovski, a.k.a. Boki 13 in his closing remarks.

According to Jovanovski, the purpose of this trial was to discredit him personally and to replace the facts with speculations, and the speculations led to an indictment.

The defendant also says that there was no abuse of political power, i.e. the current government. Boki 13 says that such accusations are absolutely not true.

“I personally had the support of Zoran Zaev from the first day of the formation of the International Association. The impetus is a great form if it comes from the first person. That Zaev knew and was informed about the project is an indisputable fact,” claims Jovanovski.

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