PRO: Inspections at the KAM markets are over, none has been shut down, other markets under scrutiny as well


The Public Revenue Office has informed the general public that the field controls in the KAM supermarkets have ended and none of the markets has been shut down, nor has it imposed fines on this taxpayer so far.

“The legal obligation of the PRO is to protect the interest of the citizens and the state. In that regard, after the report of citizens and institutions, the PRO started with external control, in accordance with the law on inspection of the stock of commercial goods in warehouses and shops, in order to determine the actual situation and to compare with the accounting records. With the initial and preliminary field inspection, the inspectors determined that part of the retail facilities not only in the above mentioned market, but also in some other markets of the large chains, was calculated 5% VAT for the basic food products. Some of the markets sold cooking oil, fresh beef, rice and milk with calculated value added tax, which is contrary to the decision of the Government and the amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax. Without selection and through the external controls performed by the PRO inspectors, all taxpayers are checked for the entire operation for the specified period, i.e. the correct expression of income and operating expenses of the taxpayers who have shown deviations regarding the application of the tax rate is checked. , i.e. by reducing the VAT from 5 to 0%,” informs the PRO.


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