Microeconomic situation and banking system stable


The macroeconomic situation is stable, the level of foreign reserves is adequate, the banking system is sound, said National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska Bezoska, adding that source of concern are the risks to the real sector and hence the central bank is taking the necessary measures.

“The latest macroeconomic data show that macroeconomic situation is stable in conditions of low inflation movements, high level of foreign reserves and stable and sound banking system, which is the key pillar in maintaining financial stability in our economy,” Angelovska Bezoska said at today’s press briefing.

She said that inflation is 0.7 percent lower than expected, foreign reserves are at a level of €3 billion, more than double the level in 2008.
She mentioned the decision adopted by the central bank in the past period, noting that a draft decision is being considered on easing of loan restructuring conditions of the affected sectors.

The NB Governor says that the level of foreign reserves is comfortable and fully adequate to respond appropriately to any risk materialization and need to absorb effects. The domestic banking system is sound, solvent and liquid.

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