Freedom House report confirms that Macedonia led by SDSM is stuck in the ‘hybrid regime’ category


In the report of the NGO Freedom House entitled “Nations In Transit – From Democratic Decline to Authoritarian Aggression”, Macedonia is defined as a hybrid regime. Macedonia is experiencing a continuous democratic decline with the government led by SDSM, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva at Thursday’s press conference.

“Additionally, Freedom House emphasizes that as a country we are stuck in the category – hybrid regime. The rating for democracy is unchanged compared to the previous year – 3.82, or 47%. Macedonia has a steady decline, and the overall score decreased from 3.93 in 2015 to 3.75. In some areas, Macedonia has the lowest rating for corruption, which is another indicator of the high level of corruption in the country as opposed to the rule of law and democracy. Macedonia is again in the group with the highest perception of corruption in Europe,” says Miteva.

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