Surveys show that government measures are not enough for business owners


Nebi Hoxha of the Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia in a televised appearance besides former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, read surveys by members of this chamber, in which members responded that the government’s economic measures led by his SDSM do not meet their needs to get out of the crisis.

“58.3% of companies work reduced, 8.3% part-time, 8.3% completely closed and the remaining percent did not respond. But on the other hand, the demand for companies with production capacity has dropped by 35%, which means that it will be reflected on other companies as well.

It also showed a survey, to which members responded and to the question of how many companies are satisfied with the measures adopted by the government.

“41% think the measures will not help, 17% of companies say the measures are appropriate and 8% think the measures need to be completely changed. The next question, how many of the measures were used, as many as 60% of those surveyed said they would not use any measures, 21% said they would use them and the rest responded that they would use them if the government proposed new measures,” Hoxha said.

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