Indictment for “Talir 2” is illegal, it was filed after the deadline


At Tuesday’s court hearing into the SPO case, called the“Talir 2” case, the defense team delivered its closing remarks. The defense lawyers pointed out that one of the key reasons why the case should be dropped is because the case was initiated illegally and it was filed after the deadline of the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) prosecutors to file indictments or initiate pre-investigation procedures.

According to the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which was adopted by the Parliament on September 15, 2015, it is envisaged that prosecutors have 18 months to initiate proceedings from the moment of taking over the materials under their jurisdiction.

The defense pointed out that the prosecutors of the SPO, the materials arising from the illegal interception of communications, took over on December 30, 2015, while the indictment for the case Talir 2 was filed on November 22, 2018, which is the expiration of the legally prescribed deadline for filing charges 16 months and 22 days.


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