Second part of graduation exam on Monday – graduates will take the elective external exam


The high school graduates will take the second part of the state graduation exam on Monday with the test from the external exam of their choosing. Out of a total of 15,899 applicants, 14,320 applied for the English exam.

1,231 will take mathematics, 118 will take German, 30 will take French, 10 will take Russian, 15 will take philosophy and 100 will take aesthetics.

The first exam – Mother tongue and literature (Macedonian, Albanian or Turkish), which is mandatory, was taken on June 4.

The results of the two external exams should be published within 30 days at the latest. Those who will not pass the state graduation exam or not in full, will have a second chance in the August session when the two external exams will be taken on August 10 and 12.

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