VMRO-DPMNE will not accept the assimilation of the Macedonian people by Bulgaria at any cost


Unfortunately, we are constantly learning about the dispute with Bulgaria from the Bulgarian media. And now, according to what the Bulgarian media write, which are for the first time to say my impression, they are less reserved and do not immediately attack that proposal. But we as a party rejected that proposal. But why? Because first of all in this constellation, the government will not experience even in the happiest and best dream and find a sufficient number of MPs who would vote to change the Constitution. And secondly, the assimilation of the Macedonian people from Bulgaria should not be accepted at any cost, i.e. they should practically Bulgarianize us here in the Republic of Macedonia, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski in a morning show on Radio Leader.

Arsovski added that part of the intellectual public in Greece said that everything they forgot to include in the Prespa Agreement in a hurry, now the Bulgarian government has not forgotten to include it.

The opposition spokesperson pointed out that the Republic of Macedonia belongs to the Euro-Atlantic family. And the people have serious aspirations to be part of that European family. But if the government thinks that France’s proposal is so good, then why is it hiding it from the public. The government is free to convene a press conference by noon where it will announce the proposal to the public. And then the government should hear the reactions of the citizens around the same proposal.


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