4,874 companies failed to survive in the first 6 months of 2022


Pari.com.mk has conducted an analysis on how the economic environment in the first half of the year reflected on the liquidity of companies. In the first 6 months of 2022, 4,874 companies failed to keep their business going. If compared to last year, the data shows that this year is more favorable. Last year, in the first half of 2021, according to data from the BusinessMreza.mk platform, 5,022 companies were out of business.

This year there is a more favorable economic environment compared to last year, so the data on defunct companies are also better, as could be expected.

Economic flows reflect the liquidity of companies, and those who lose it simply go bankrupt. February sees many flows from the transition period. Then the deletion by the Central Registry takes place, when it, by force of law, “shuts down” companies that are no longer active.


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